Getting started


Aver is a progressive framework based on Vue.js with support for Server Server-Side Rendering.

Modern web applications need a lot of boilerplate to be powerful. It starts with setting up a bundler like webpack, get your server up and running with express, make use of SSR, and the list goes on.

Managing such a project can be painful and even more when you want to reuse all that logic in different projects. This is where we try to provide you a solid base which handles all that and you can concenrate on building awesome web applications.


  • Server-Side Rendering
  • i18n support using vue-i18n
  • Hot Module Replacement in development
  • Plugin-System
  • Code Splitting
  • Transpile your code with Babel to ES2015+
  • Support for class-based SFC using vue-class-component and vue-property-decorator
  • Writing class-based vuex modules with vuex-decorators
  • Server-Side API with express routes and middlewares


There are 2 main packages you need to get started. One is the @averjs/core and the other is @averjs/renderer. The core holds the server logic like express to serve your application. The renderer handels the bundling of your application. By splitting the logic into 2 packages, the renderer can be placed in the devDependencies and all the bundling logic, which is not needed in production, is not getting installed.

To install both, execute the following commands inside a new and empty directory.

yarn add @averjs/core
yarn add --dev @averjs/renderer

# or

npm install @averjs/core
npm install -D @averjs/renderer


To get you started as fast as possible with a new project, there is a executable, which lets you set this up with ease.

Jump into your working directory and execute the following command.

yarn aver init

When the executable is done setting up the new Project, you can start the dev server by executing yarn run dev or npm run dev.

Folder structure

There are 2 main root folders, api and src. All your Vue.js code belongs inside the src and all the server side code belongs in the api folder. When you setup the project by running the aver init command, you will see how the api and src folders should be structured.

api folder

└───database (@database)
│   └───seeds
└───errors (@errors)
└───mail (@mail)
│   └───templates
└───middlewares (@middlewares)
└───models (@models)
└───queues (@queues)
└───routes (@routes)

src folder

src (@)
└───components (@components)
└───mixins (@mixins)
└───pages (@pages)
└───vuex (@vuex)
└───resources (@resources)